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Collaborators: Pedro Santos, João Dias, Joana Campos, Samuel Mascarenhas, Manuel Lopes, Rui Prada, Manuel Guimarães, Diogo Carvalho, Matilde Sequeira Guedes Tristany Farinha
Keywords: Social Intelligent Agents, FAtiMA-toolkit, Learning


SLICE investigates the creation of a framework for social characters combining theoretical knowledge with data-driven approaches to automatize the learning of complex social behaviours. We envision the creation of an author modifiable, transparent and expressive tool to author social intelligent characters across multiple domains.


An Hierarchical Adaptive and Transferable Dialog Management System for Social Aware Task Execution
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António Capela and Samuel Mascarenhas and Pedro Santos and Manuel Lopes, Progress in Artificial Intelligence. EPIA 2019, pg. 232-243, Springer , 2019