@inbook { pereira14, abstract = {Serious Games rely on interactive systems to provide an efficient communication medium between the tutor and the user. Designing and implementing such medium is a multi-disciplinary task that aims at an environment that engages the user in a learning activity. User engagement is significantly related to the users’ sense of immersion or his willingness to accept the reality proposed by a game environment. This is a very relevant research topic for Artificial Intelligence (AI), since it requires computational systems to generate believable behaviors that can promote the users’ willingness to enter and engage in the game environment. In order to do this, AI research has been relying on social sciences, in particular psychology and sociology models, to ground the creation of computational models for non-player characters that behave according to the users’ expectations. In this chapter, the authors present some of the most relevant NPC research contributions following this approach.}, address = {http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/non-player-characters-and-artificial-intelligence/90521}, chapter = {Non-Player Characters and Artificial Intelligence }, journal = {Psychology, Pedagogy, and Assessment in Serious Games}, keywords = {Intelligent Virtual Agents;Affective Computing;Multi-Agent Societies;Intelligent Interactive Storytelling;Computer Games;Miscellaneous;}, pages = {127-152}, publisher = {IGI GLobal}, series = {Cognitive Technologies}, title = {Psychology, Pedagogy, and Assessment in Serious Games}, year = {2014}, author = {Gonçalo Pereira and António Brisson and João Dias and André Carvalho and Joana Dimas and Samuel Mascarenhas and Joana Campos and Marco Vala and Iolanda Leite and Carlos Martinho and Rui Prada and Ana Paiva} }