@article { tulli19, abstract = {The recent years witnessed a significant increase of interest in social robots whose main aim is to assist human users in their social and home environment. In academia, numerous successful results and proof of concept implementations have been published and demonstrated. Examples of promising social robots research topics include care of the elderly, education, and entertainment. Therefore these successes have generated high expectations for social robotics. Despite the hype, the last decade have seen the failure of many social robotics start-ups and initiative from the industry that appeared to be very promising. This article attempts to understand this paradox, and analyzes why breakthroughs achieved by the research community are not easily transferable into success stories in the industrial and entrepreneurial landscapes.}, booktitle = {BNAIC/BENELEARN}, keywords = {Social Robotic Companions;Miscellaneous;}, month = {November}, publisher = {BNAIC/BENELEARN 2019}, title = {Great Expectations & Aborted Business Initiatives: The Paradox of Social Robot Between Research and Industry}, year = {2019}, author = {Silvia Tulli} }