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iPleo, the Emotional Pet Evaluating User Attachment in a Pervasive Pet Game

Abstract This thesis addresses the problem of improving attachment between humans and synthetic pet characters. The use of these pets and its usefulness is recognized in different domains. In this context we propose a conceptual model contemplating the use of a physical pet (in a robotic embodiment) and a virtual pet (in a mobile device), aiming to improve the quality of the relationship between the owner and the pet agent. We provide an implementation of a virtual pet game with a cognitive and emotional behaviour based in the PSI-Theory. An evaluation showing the advantages of using our pervasive solution over a more traditional solution is also detailed. It suggests that users feel more emotionally connected when interacting with the pet in the physical form and in the virtual form, than if the interaction is only with the robotic character.
Year 2010
Keywords agents, attachment, pervasive gaming, data migration
Authors Tiago Paiva
School Universidade Técnica de Lisboa - Instituto Superior Técnico
Address Av. Prof. Dr. Aníbal Cavaco Silva, 2744-016 Porto Salvo - Portugal
Month October
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@masterthesis { paiva10, abstract = {This thesis addresses the problem of improving attachment between humans and synthetic pet characters. The use of these pets and its usefulness is recognized in different domains. In this context we propose a conceptual model contemplating the use of a physical pet (in a robotic embodiment) and a virtual pet (in a mobile device), aiming to improve the quality of the relationship between the owner and the pet agent. We provide an implementation of a virtual pet game with a cognitive and emotional behaviour based in the PSI-Theory. An evaluation showing the advantages of using our pervasive solution over a more traditional solution is also detailed. It suggests that users feel more emotionally connected when interacting with the pet in the physical form and in the virtual form, than if the interaction is only with the robotic character.}, address = {Av. Prof. Dr. Aníbal Cavaco Silva, 2744-016 Porto Salvo - Portugal}, keywords = {agents, attachment, pervasive gaming, data migration}, month = {October}, school = {Universidade Técnica de Lisboa - Instituto Superior Técnico}, title = {iPleo, the Emotional Pet Evaluating User Attachment in a Pervasive Pet Game}, year = {2010}, author = {Tiago Paiva} }

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