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Tilt Riders: Improvisational Agents Who Know What the Scene is About.

Abstract The creation of autonomous agents for interactive narrative requires a heavy authorial effort, especially when the authors are concerned about integrating all possible story states in the agents behaviors. In this paper, we consider that the autonomous agents lack of narrative perspective over the action prevents them from successfully dealing with unpredicted story states. To deal with this problem we propose a conceptual model of story development for autonomous agents that endows narrative control to them. The proposed model is supported by our cognitive research with improvisational theatre actors and improvisational theatre theory.
Year 2011
Keywords Autonomous Agents, Emergent Narratives, Improv;Intelligent Interactive Storytelling;Intelligent Virtual Agents;
Authors António Brisson, Brian Magerko, Ana Paiva
Booktitle Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents,
Publisher Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
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@inproceedings { brisson11, abstract = {The creation of autonomous agents for interactive narrative requires a heavy authorial effort, especially when the authors are concerned about integrating all possible story states in the agents behaviors. In this paper, we consider that the autonomous agents lack of narrative perspective over the action prevents them from successfully dealing with unpredicted story states. To deal with this problem we propose a conceptual model of story development for autonomous agents that endows narrative control to them. The proposed model is supported by our cognitive research with improvisational theatre actors and improvisational theatre theory.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, }, journal = {Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, keywords = {Autonomous Agents, Emergent Narratives, Improv;Intelligent Interactive Storytelling;Intelligent Virtual Agents;}, month = {September}, publisher = { Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, title = {Tilt Riders: Improvisational Agents Who Know What the Scene is About.}, year = {2011}, author = {António Brisson and Brian Magerko and Ana Paiva} }

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