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Affective teaching: learning more effectively from empathic robots

Year 2012
Keywords Affective Computing;Social Robotic Companions;
Authors Ginevra Castellano, Iolanda Leite, Ana Paiva, Peter W. McOwan
Journal Awareness magazine: Self-Awareness in Autonomic Systems
Volume Interactive Robotics
Pages doi: 10.2417/3201112.003948
Month January
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@article { castellano12, journal = {Awareness magazine: Self-Awareness in Autonomic Systems}, keywords = {Affective Computing;Social Robotic Companions;}, month = {January}, pages = {doi: 10.2417/3201112.003948}, title = {Affective teaching: learning more effectively from empathic robots}, volume = {Interactive Robotics}, year = {2012}, author = {Ginevra Castellano and Iolanda Leite and Ana Paiva and Peter W. McOwan} }

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