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Revive! Reactions to Migration between Different Embodiments when Playing with Robotic Pets

Abstract This paper explores the issues that arise in the context of the migration of a robotic pet between di erent embodiments and the associated design challenges. In the following, we describe the perceptions that a group of children have of a dinosaur character crossing the boundary between its robotic embodiment (the Pleo commercial pet), and its virtual counterpart on a mobile phone. We analyse the children's perceptions of, as well as emotional reactions to, the migration of this character, and show how seemingly subtle variations in the migration process can a ffect the children's perception on the character and its embodiments. Among other fi ndings, gaps in the migration process, or perceived unresponsiveness, appeared to be accompanied by anxiety in the participating children. Based on our results, we point to yet unsolved design challenges for migration in interactions with embodied characters, and o er insights for migration implementation.
Year 2012
Keywords artificial pets, human-robot interaction, lirec, phypleo, pleo, vipleo;Social Robotic Companions;
Authors Elena Márquez Segura, Henriette Cramer, Paulo F. Gomes, Stina Nylander, Ana Paiva
Booktitle 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children
Month 06/2012
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@inproceedings { segura12, abstract = {This paper explores the issues that arise in the context of the migration of a robotic pet between di erent embodiments and the associated design challenges. In the following, we describe the perceptions that a group of children have of a dinosaur character crossing the boundary between its robotic embodiment (the Pleo commercial pet), and its virtual counterpart on a mobile phone. We analyse the children's perceptions of, as well as emotional reactions to, the migration of this character, and show how seemingly subtle variations in the migration process can a ffect the children's perception on the character and its embodiments. Among other fi ndings, gaps in the migration process, or perceived unresponsiveness, appeared to be accompanied by anxiety in the participating children. Based on our results, we point to yet unsolved design challenges for migration in interactions with embodied characters, and o er insights for migration implementation.}, booktitle = {11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children}, journal = {11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children}, keywords = {artificial pets, human-robot interaction, lirec, phypleo, pleo, vipleo;Social Robotic Companions;}, month = {06/2012}, title = {Revive! Reactions to Migration between Different Embodiments when Playing with Robotic Pets}, year = {2012}, author = {Elena Márquez Segura and Henriette Cramer and Paulo F. Gomes and Stina Nylander and Ana Paiva} }

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