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Facilitating the Emergence of Educational Stories - Using emergent stories for pedagogical proposes

Abstract This paper describes the narrative module used in the interactive learning environment called FearNot!. In FearNot! the agents are autonomous and therefore produce narratives that emerge through the interactions between themselves and the learner. We describe the problems that arise with this kind of approach and a way to tackle them, namely through the use of a narrative module that is responsible for ensuring that the emerging stories produce an educational message.
Year 2007
Keywords Autonomous agents, synthetic characters, interactive storytelling, emergent narrative, interactive virtual environment
Authors Rui Figueiredo, Ana Paiva, Ruth Aylett
Booktitle NLE Workshop in AIED
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@inproceedings { figueiredo07, abstract = {This paper describes the narrative module used in the interactive learning environment called FearNot!. In FearNot! the agents are autonomous and therefore produce narratives that emerge through the interactions between themselves and the learner. We describe the problems that arise with this kind of approach and a way to tackle them, namely through the use of a narrative module that is responsible for ensuring that the emerging stories produce an educational message.}, booktitle = {NLE Workshop in AIED}, keywords = {Autonomous agents, synthetic characters, interactive storytelling, emergent narrative, interactive virtual environment}, title = {Facilitating the Emergence of Educational Stories - Using emergent stories for pedagogical proposes}, year = {2007}, author = {Rui Figueiredo and Ana Paiva and Ruth Aylett} }

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