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A Study on Trust in a Robotic Suitcase

Abstract This work presents a study on human-robot interaction be- tween a prototype of a robotic suitcase – aBag – and people using it. Importantly, for an autonomous robotic suitcase to be successful as a product, people need to trust it. Therefore, a study was performed, where participants used aBag (remotely operated using the Wizard of Oz technique) for carrying their belongings. Two different conditions were created: 1) aBag follows the participant at a close range; 2) aBag follows the participant on a further distance. We expected that participants would trust more aBag when it was following them at a close range, but interestingly participants seemed to trust more when aBag was further away. Also, regardless of the conditions, the level of trust in aBag was significantly higher after the interaction compared to before, bringing positive results to the development of this kind of robotic apparatus.
Year 2016
Keywords Social Robotic Companions;
Authors Beatriz Quintino Ferreira, Kelly Karipidou, Filipe Rosa, Sofia Petisca, Patrícia Alves-Oliveira, Ana Paiva
Booktitle International Conference on Social Robotics
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@inproceedings { ferreira16, abstract = {This work presents a study on human-robot interaction be- tween a prototype of a robotic suitcase – aBag – and people using it. Importantly, for an autonomous robotic suitcase to be successful as a product, people need to trust it. Therefore, a study was performed, where participants used aBag (remotely operated using the Wizard of Oz technique) for carrying their belongings. Two different conditions were created: 1) aBag follows the participant at a close range; 2) aBag follows the participant on a further distance. We expected that participants would trust more aBag when it was following them at a close range, but interestingly participants seemed to trust more when aBag was further away. Also, regardless of the conditions, the level of trust in aBag was significantly higher after the interaction compared to before, bringing positive results to the development of this kind of robotic apparatus.}, booktitle = {International Conference on Social Robotics}, journal = {Eight International Conference on Social Robotics}, keywords = {Social Robotic Companions;}, month = {November 1-3}, title = {A Study on Trust in a Robotic Suitcase}, year = {2016}, author = {Beatriz Quintino Ferreira and Kelly Karipidou and Filipe Rosa and Sofia Petisca and Patrícia Alves-Oliveira and Ana Paiva} }

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