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Can a child feel responsible for another in the presence of a robot in a collaborative learning activity?

Abstract In order to explore the impact of integrating a robot as a facilitator in a collaborative activity, we examined interpersonal distancing of children both with a human adult and a robot facilitator. Our scenario involves two children performing a collaborative learning activity, which included the writing of a word/letter on a tactile tablet. Based on the learning-by-teaching paradigm, one of the children acted as a teacher when the other acted as a learner. Our study involved 40 children between 6 and 8 years old, in two conditions (robot or human facilitator). The results suggest first that the child acting as a teacher feel more responsible when the facilitator is a robot, compared to a human ; they show then that the interaction between a (teacher) child and a robot facilitator can be characterized as being a reciprocity-based interaction, whereas a human presence fosters a compensationbased interaction.
Year 2015
Keywords Social Robotic Companions;
Authors Shruti Chandra, Patricia Alves-Oliveira, Pedro Sequeira, Ana Paiva, Pierre Dillenbourg
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@proceedings { chandra15, abstract = {In order to explore the impact of integrating a robot as a facilitator in a collaborative activity, we examined interpersonal distancing of children both with a human adult and a robot facilitator. Our scenario involves two children performing a collaborative learning activity, which included the writing of a word/letter on a tactile tablet. Based on the learning-by-teaching paradigm, one of the children acted as a teacher when the other acted as a learner. Our study involved 40 children between 6 and 8 years old, in two conditions (robot or human facilitator). The results suggest first that the child acting as a teacher feel more responsible when the facilitator is a robot, compared to a human ; they show then that the interaction between a (teacher) child and a robot facilitator can be characterized as being a reciprocity-based interaction, whereas a human presence fosters a compensationbased interaction.}, keywords = {Social Robotic Companions;}, pages = {167--172}, title = {Can a child feel responsible for another in the presence of a robot in a collaborative learning activity?}, year = {2015}, author = {Shruti Chandra and Patricia Alves-Oliveira and Pedro Sequeira and Ana Paiva and Pierre Dillenbourg} }

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