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Delegation to autonomous agents promotes cooperation in collective-risk dilemmas

Year 2021
Keywords Game Theory;Multi-Agent Societies;
Authors Elias F. Domingos, Inês Terrucha, Rémi Suchon, Jelena Grujić, Juan Carlos Burguillo, Francisco C. Santos, Tom Lenaerts
Booktitle AAAI-21 Workshop on AI For Behavior Change, 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence [Recipient of the best poster award]
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@inproceedings { domingos21, booktitle = { AAAI-21 Workshop on AI For Behavior Change, 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence [Recipient of the best poster award]}, keywords = {Game Theory;Multi-Agent Societies;}, title = {Delegation to autonomous agents promotes cooperation in collective-risk dilemmas}, year = {2021}, author = {Elias F. Domingos and Inês Terrucha and Rémi Suchon and Jelena Grujić and Juan Carlos Burguillo and Francisco C. Santos and Tom Lenaerts} }

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