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Evolutionary dynamics of climate change under collective-risk dilemmas

Year 2012
Keywords Game Theory;Multi-Agent Societies;Miscellaneous;
Authors Francisco C. Santos, Vítor V. Vasconcelos, Marta D. Santos, Pedro Neves, Jorge M. Pacheco
Journal Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
Volume 22 (1)
Number 1140004
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@article { santos12, journal = {Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences}, keywords = {Game Theory;Multi-Agent Societies;Miscellaneous;}, number = {1140004}, title = {Evolutionary dynamics of climate change under collective-risk dilemmas }, volume = {22 (1)}, year = {2012}, author = {Francisco C. Santos and Vítor V. Vasconcelos and Marta D. Santos and Pedro Neves and Jorge M. Pacheco} }

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