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Games based learning for Exploring Cultural Conflict

Year 2011
Authors L. Hall, S Luft, Asad Nazir, John Hodgson, Michael Hall, Cristopher Ritter, S. Jones, Samuel Mascarenhas, B. Cooper, Ana Paiva, Ruth Aylett
Booktitle AISB Symposium: AI & Games
Pages 6-7
Publisher York
Pdf File
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@inproceedings { hall11, booktitle = {AISB Symposium: AI & Games}, pages = {6-7}, publisher = {York}, title = {Games based learning for Exploring Cultural Conflict}, year = {2011}, author = {L. Hall and S Luft and Asad Nazir and John Hodgson and Michael Hall and Cristopher Ritter and S. Jones and Samuel Mascarenhas and B. Cooper and Ana Paiva and Ruth Aylett} }

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