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Making It Up as You Go Along - Improvising Stories for Pedagogical Purposes

Abstract We consider the issues involved in taking educational role- play into a virtual environment with intelligent graphical characters, who implement a cognitive appraisal system and autonomous action selection. Issues in organizing emergent narratives are discussed with respect to a Story Facilitator as well as the impact on the authoring process.
Year 2006
Authors Ruth Aylett, Rui Figueiredo, Sandy Louchart, João Dias, Ana Paiva
Booktitle IVA'2006 -Intelligent Virtual Agents
Publisher Springer
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@inproceedings { aylett06, abstract = {We consider the issues involved in taking educational role- play into a virtual environment with intelligent graphical characters, who implement a cognitive appraisal system and autonomous action selection. Issues in organizing emergent narratives are discussed with respect to a Story Facilitator as well as the impact on the authoring process.}, booktitle = {IVA'2006 -Intelligent Virtual Agents}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {Making It Up as You Go Along - Improvising Stories for Pedagogical Purposes}, year = {2006}, author = {Ruth Aylett and Rui Figueiredo and Sandy Louchart and João Dias and Ana Paiva} }

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