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Developing children's collaborative problem-solving skills with a serious game

Abstract Problem-solving in math has great relevance in teaching children. To support learning in problem-solving in math, we created Festarola, a digital serious game where players are part of a team, which organizes a party for a group of guests. The game's main objective is to develop problem-solving strategies in students and foster self and shared regulated learning. The game was designed according to the four phases of problem-solving, which are in accordance with the self-regulation phases understanding the problem (forethought); elaborating a plan (strategic planning); executing the plan (performance); and reflecting on the results (self-reflection). A user study was conducted with 363 primary-school students to measure the impact of the game. Throughout several sessions, children interacted individually and in a group with different sections of the game. Positive results indicate that the game successfully stimulated and developed problem-solving strategies, as well as self and shared regulation strategies.
Year 2020
Keywords Computer Games;
Authors Ricardo Eugenio Proenca Rodrigues, Rui Prada, Paula Ferreira, Paula Paulino, Ana Margarida Veiga Simao
Journal IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
Pages 1-1
Month August
Publisher IEEE
Pdf File
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@article { rodrigues20, abstract = {Problem-solving in math has great relevance in teaching children. To support learning in problem-solving in math, we created Festarola, a digital serious game where players are part of a team, which organizes a party for a group of guests. The game's main objective is to develop problem-solving strategies in students and foster self and shared regulated learning. The game was designed according to the four phases of problem-solving, which are in accordance with the self-regulation phases understanding the problem (forethought); elaborating a plan (strategic planning); executing the plan (performance); and reflecting on the results (self-reflection). A user study was conducted with 363 primary-school students to measure the impact of the game. Throughout several sessions, children interacted individually and in a group with different sections of the game. Positive results indicate that the game successfully stimulated and developed problem-solving strategies, as well as self and shared regulation strategies.}, journal = {IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications}, keywords = {Computer Games;}, month = {August}, pages = {1-1}, publisher = {IEEE}, title = {Developing children's collaborative problem-solving skills with a serious game}, year = {2020}, author = {Ricardo Eugenio Proenca Rodrigues and Rui Prada and Paula Ferreira and Paula Paulino and Ana Margarida Veiga Simao} }

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