@masterthesis { raimundo07, abstract = {Parke and Waters state that, ``The development of control parameterizations and the development of animation systems implementations should be decoupled.''. This approach is sound since each of these processes has different requirements and therefore should be dealt separately. Nonetheless, parameterized facial animations systems still tend to have this two processes intertwined to some degree. This thesis proposes a solution to make this separation explicit. To achieve this, the de- signed facial animation system abstracts the notion of parameters as simple unidimensional values that have associated semantic. These can in turn take concrete form through instanti- ations from a set of deformation techniques. This set is created in a manner that guarantees an extensive number of possible representations, while not compromising other properties like real-time performance. Regarding motion, two proposals are provided: the classical key-frame animation and a phase based approach. These make use of a tailored cardinal spline interpolation method for the determination of inbetween frames. High-level behavior in facial animation is also considered. Perlin noise is contemplated for the creation of idle motions and a simple coarticulation model is used for speech synchronized animation.}, keywords = {Facial Expression, Parameterization, Animation, Real-Time, Deformation, Synthetic Characters}, month = {May}, school = {Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa}, title = {Real Time Facial Expression and Animation}, year = {2007}, author = {Guilherme Raimundo} }