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A Social Dilemma Videogame

Abstract This article describes a videogame to study the effects of social identity upon the results of social dilemmas. The game will do this by setting up the players in a team game. A team game represents a specific type of social dilemma in which collective action problems occur simultaneously at several levels of an hierarchical structure. We describe the game theoretical analysis of the proposed game and the prediction of its possible outcomes according to rational choice theory.
Year 2011
Keywords Game theory;Social Dilemma;Social Identity;Team Game;Computer Games;Game Theory;
Authors Márcia Baptista, Joana Dimas, Carlos Martinho, Jorge F. Peña, Rui Prada, Guilherme Raimundo, Pedro Santos
Booktitle Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of Videojogos
Pages 183-192
Publisher PRISMA
Month December
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@inproceedings { baptista11, abstract = {This article describes a videogame to study the effects of social identity upon the results of social dilemmas. The game will do this by setting up the players in a team game. A team game represents a specific type of social dilemma in which collective action problems occur simultaneously at several levels of an hierarchical structure. We describe the game theoretical analysis of the proposed game and the prediction of its possible outcomes according to rational choice theory.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of Videojogos}, isbn = {978-989-20-2953-5}, keywords = {Game theory;Social Dilemma;Social Identity;Team Game;Computer Games;Game Theory;}, month = {December}, pages = {183-192}, publisher = {PRISMA}, title = {A Social Dilemma Videogame}, year = {2011}, author = {Márcia Baptista and Joana Dimas and Carlos Martinho and Jorge F. Peña and Rui Prada and Guilherme Raimundo and Pedro Santos} }

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