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Thalamus: Closing the Mind-Body Loop in Interactive Embodied Characters

Abstract We present the Thalamus framework, which is based on SAIBA and extends it by adding a perceptual loop. This perceptual loop enables embodied characters to perform continuous interaction. The framework was tested in a case study involving a NAO and an EMYS robots. After showing that our extension works, we point out some is- sues that were encountered during the development of the case study. We also suggest that the definition of a formal Perception Modelling Language (PML) based on the SAIBA framework can enable SAIBA- compliant embodied characters to perform continuous interaction, while still performing synchronized multimodal behavior based on BML.
Year 2012
Keywords Intelligent Virtual Agents, BML
Authors Tiago Ribeiro, Marco Vala, Ana Paiva
Booktitle Intelligent Virtual Agents IVA'2012
Volume 7502
Pages 189-195
Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Publisher Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
Address Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Month September
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@inproceedings { ribeiro12, abstract = {We present the Thalamus framework, which is based on SAIBA and extends it by adding a perceptual loop. This perceptual loop enables embodied characters to perform continuous interaction. The framework was tested in a case study involving a NAO and an EMYS robots. After showing that our extension works, we point out some is- sues that were encountered during the development of the case study. We also suggest that the definition of a formal Perception Modelling Language (PML) based on the SAIBA framework can enable SAIBA- compliant embodied characters to perform continuous interaction, while still performing synchronized multimodal behavior based on BML.}, address = {Eindhoven, The Netherlands}, booktitle = {Intelligent Virtual Agents IVA'2012}, keywords = {Intelligent Virtual Agents, BML}, month = {September}, pages = {189-195}, publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, title = {Thalamus: Closing the Mind-Body Loop in Interactive Embodied Characters}, volume = {7502}, year = {2012}, author = {Tiago Ribeiro and Marco Vala and Ana Paiva} }

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