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AI for Massive Multiplayer Online Strategy Games

Abstract Massive Multiplayer Online Strategy games present several unique challenges to players and designers. There is the need to constantly adapt to changes in the game itself and the need to achieve a certain level of simulation and realism, which typically implies battles involving combat with several distinct armies, combat phases and diferent terrains; resource management which involves buying and selling goods and combining lots of diferent kinds of resources to fund the player's nation and cutthroat diplomacy which dictates the pace of the game. However, these constant changes and simulation mechanisms make a game harder to play, increasing the amount of effort required to play it properly. As some of these games take months to be played, players who become inactive have a negative impact on the game. This work pretends to demonstrate how to create versatile agents for playing Massive Multiplayer Online Turn Based Strategy Games, while keeping close attention to their playing performance. In a test to measure this performance the results showed similar survival performance between humans and AIs.
Year 2011
Keywords Intelligent Virtual Agents;Computer Games;
Authors Pedro Santos, Alexandre Barata, Rui Prada
Booktitle Proceedings of the Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, AIIDE 2011, October 10-14, 2011
Pages 110-115
Pdf File
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@inproceedings { santos11, abstract = {Massive Multiplayer Online Strategy games present several unique challenges to players and designers. There is the need to constantly adapt to changes in the game itself and the need to achieve a certain level of simulation and realism, which typically implies battles involving combat with several distinct armies, combat phases and diferent terrains; resource management which involves buying and selling goods and combining lots of diferent kinds of resources to fund the player's nation and cutthroat diplomacy which dictates the pace of the game. However, these constant changes and simulation mechanisms make a game harder to play, increasing the amount of effort required to play it properly. As some of these games take months to be played, players who become inactive have a negative impact on the game. This work pretends to demonstrate how to create versatile agents for playing Massive Multiplayer Online Turn Based Strategy Games, while keeping close attention to their playing performance. In a test to measure this performance the results showed similar survival performance between humans and AIs.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, AIIDE 2011, October 10-14, 2011}, ee = {}, keywords = {Intelligent Virtual Agents;Computer Games;}, pages = {110-115}, title = {AI for Massive Multiplayer Online Strategy Games}, year = {2011}, author = {Pedro Santos and Alexandre Barata and Rui Prada} }

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