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Multiple Robots for Multiple Children: Co-Designing Movement for Robots with Personality

Abstract The major contribution of this research is to present a co-design study with groups of children about creating movement for robots. Results show that according to the personality trait of the robot (extraversion, openness to experience and agreeableness), children represent movement differently. By having used the Effort System from Laban Movement Analysis to code the movements performed by children, we envision to create groups of robots with movements associated with their respective personality trait. This study is part of a larger project entitled THE ROBOT–CREATIVITY PROJECT whose goal is to create multiple robots for multiple children in order to boost their creativity while performing playful activities. We aim to build robots with different personalities based on the findings from this research, to create robots that enhance creativity in children using different strategies according to their personality.
Year 2017
Keywords Social Robotic Companions;
Authors Patrícia Alves-Oliveira, Patrícia Arriaga, Guy Hoffman, Ana Paiva
Note Workshop at RO-MAN on Groups in Human-Robot Interaction
Month August
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@unpublished { alves-oliveira17, abstract = {The major contribution of this research is to present a co-design study with groups of children about creating movement for robots. Results show that according to the personality trait of the robot (extraversion, openness to experience and agreeableness), children represent movement differently. By having used the Effort System from Laban Movement Analysis to code the movements performed by children, we envision to create groups of robots with movements associated with their respective personality trait. This study is part of a larger project entitled THE ROBOT–CREATIVITY PROJECT whose goal is to create multiple robots for multiple children in order to boost their creativity while performing playful activities. We aim to build robots with different personalities based on the findings from this research, to create robots that enhance creativity in children using different strategies according to their personality.}, keywords = {Social Robotic Companions;}, month = {August}, note = {Workshop at RO-MAN on Groups in Human-Robot Interaction }, title = {Multiple Robots for Multiple Children: Co-Designing Movement for Robots with Personality}, year = {2017}, author = {Patrícia Alves-Oliveira and Patrícia Arriaga and Guy Hoffman and Ana Paiva} }

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