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"I'm Sure I Made the Right Choice!" - Towards an Architecture to Influence Player's Behaviors in Interactive Stories

Abstract In this paper we present an architecture for Interactive Storytelling systems that dynamically selects persuasive manipulations to increase the likelihood of the users experiencing the story as intended by an author. We also describe a study using a text-based interactive storytelling system where the architecture was applied.
Year 2011
Authors Rui Figueiredo, Ana Paiva
Booktitle ICIDS - International Conference on Digital Interactive Storytelling
Publisher Springer
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@inproceedings { figueiredo11, abstract = {In this paper we present an architecture for Interactive Storytelling systems that dynamically selects persuasive manipulations to increase the likelihood of the users experiencing the story as intended by an author. We also describe a study using a text-based interactive storytelling system where the architecture was applied.}, booktitle = {ICIDS - International Conference on Digital Interactive Storytelling}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {"I'm Sure I Made the Right Choice!" - Towards an Architecture to Influence Player's Behaviors in Interactive Stories}, year = {2011}, author = {Rui Figueiredo and Ana Paiva} }

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