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When Agents Meet: Empathy, Moral Circle, Ritual, and Culture

Year 2012
Authors Nick Degebs, G.J. Hofstede, J. Mc Breen , A. Beulens, Samuel Mascarenhas, Nuno Ferreira, Ana Paiva
Booktitle Workshop on Emotional and Empathic Agents at the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
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@inproceedings { degebs12, booktitle = {Workshop on Emotional and Empathic Agents at the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems}, title = {When Agents Meet: Empathy, Moral Circle, Ritual, and Culture}, year = {2012}, author = {Nick Degebs and G.J. Hofstede and J. Mc Breen and A. Beulens and Samuel Mascarenhas and Nuno Ferreira and Ana Paiva} }

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