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Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering

Year 2013
Keywords Miscellaneous;
Authors Alberto Sardinha, Ruzanna Chitchyan, João Araújo, Ana Moreira, Awais Rashid
Publisher Springer
Chapter Conflict Identification with EA-Analyzer
Edition Moreira, A.; Chitchyan, R.; Araújo, J.; Rashid, A.
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@inbook { sardinha13, chapter = {Conflict Identification with EA-Analyzer}, edition = {Moreira, A.; Chitchyan, R.; Araújo, J.; Rashid, A.}, keywords = {Miscellaneous;}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering}, title = {Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering}, year = {2013}, author = {Alberto Sardinha and Ruzanna Chitchyan and João Araújo and Ana Moreira and Awais Rashid} }

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