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A model for embodied cognition in autonomous agents

Abstract The traditional efforts to mimic basic human behavior in embodied agents use an approach that draws a clear line between the “mind” and the “body” of those agents. The mind reasons and decides, and the body executes what was decided. However, recent findings in neuroscience show that our bodies have an active role in what we call “intelligence”. This paper addresses the role of the body in the gener- ation of behavior. We studied several processes related with our body and propose a model to integrate them in generic embodied agents. The model was validated in a small case study with the NAO robot.
Year 2012
Keywords Intelligent Virtual Agents;
Authors Marco Vala, Tiago Ribeiro, Ana Paiva
Pages 505--507
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@article { vala12, abstract = {The traditional efforts to mimic basic human behavior in embodied agents use an approach that draws a clear line between the “mind” and the “body” of those agents. The mind reasons and decides, and the body executes what was decided. However, recent findings in neuroscience show that our bodies have an active role in what we call “intelligence”. This paper addresses the role of the body in the gener- ation of behavior. We studied several processes related with our body and propose a model to integrate them in generic embodied agents. The model was validated in a small case study with the NAO robot.}, keywords = {Intelligent Virtual Agents;}, pages = {505--507}, title = {A model for embodied cognition in autonomous agents}, year = {2012}, author = {Marco Vala and Tiago Ribeiro and Ana Paiva} }

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