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Discovering Social Interaction Strategies for Robots from Restricted-Perception Wizard-of-Oz Studies

Abstract In this paper we propose a methodology for the creation of social interaction strategies for human-robot interaction based on restricted-perception Wizard-of-Oz studies (WoZ). This novel experimental technique involves restricting the wizard’s perceptions over the environment and the behaviors it controls according to the robot’s inherent perceptual and acting limitations. Within our methodology, the robot’s design lifecycle is divided into three consecutive phases, namely data collection, where we perform interaction studies to extract expert knowledge and interaction data; strategy extraction, where a hybrid strategy controller for the robot is learned based on the gathered data; strategy refinement, where the controller is iteratively evaluated and adjusted. We developed a fully-autonomous robotic tutor based on the proposed approach in the context of a collaborative learning scenario. The results of the evaluation study show that, by performing restricted-perception WoZ studies, our robots are able to engage in very natural and socially-aware interactions.
Year 2016
Keywords Intelligent Virtual Agents;Social Robotic Companions;
Authors Pedro Sequeira, Patrícia Alves-Oliveira, Tiago Ribeiro, Eugenio Di Tullio, Sofia Petisca, Francisco S. Melo, Ginevra Castellano, Ana Paiva
Pages 197--204
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@article { sequeira16, abstract = {In this paper we propose a methodology for the creation of social interaction strategies for human-robot interaction based on restricted-perception Wizard-of-Oz studies (WoZ). This novel experimental technique involves restricting the wizard’s perceptions over the environment and the behaviors it controls according to the robot’s inherent perceptual and acting limitations. Within our methodology, the robot’s design lifecycle is divided into three consecutive phases, namely data collection, where we perform interaction studies to extract expert knowledge and interaction data; strategy extraction, where a hybrid strategy controller for the robot is learned based on the gathered data; strategy refinement, where the controller is iteratively evaluated and adjusted. We developed a fully-autonomous robotic tutor based on the proposed approach in the context of a collaborative learning scenario. The results of the evaluation study show that, by performing restricted-perception WoZ studies, our robots are able to engage in very natural and socially-aware interactions.}, keywords = {Intelligent Virtual Agents;Social Robotic Companions;}, pages = {197--204}, title = {Discovering Social Interaction Strategies for Robots from Restricted-Perception Wizard-of-Oz Studies}, year = {2016}, author = {Pedro Sequeira and Patrícia Alves-Oliveira and Tiago Ribeiro and Eugenio Di Tullio and Sofia Petisca and Francisco S. Melo and Ginevra Castellano and Ana Paiva} }

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