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Structural power and the evolution of collective fairness in social networks

Abstract From work contracts and group buying platforms to political coalitions and international climate and economical summits, often individuals assemble in groups that must collectively reach decisions that may favor each part unequally. Here we quantify to which extent our network ties promote the evolution of collective fairness in group interactions, modeled by means of Multiplayer Ultimatum Games (MUG). We show that a single topological feature of social networks—which we call structural power—has a profound impact on the tendency of individuals to take decisions that favor each part equally. Increased fair outcomes are attained whenever structural power is high, such that the networks that tie individuals allow them to meet the same partners in different groups, thus providing the opportunity to strongly influence each other. On the other hand, the absence of such close peer-influence relationships dismisses any positive effect created by the network. Interestingly, we show that increasing the structural power of a network leads to the appearance of well-defined modules—as found in human social networks that often exhibit community structure— providing an interaction environment that maximizes collective fairness.
Year 2017
Keywords Game Theory;Multi-Agent Societies;Miscellaneous;
Authors Fernando P. Santos, Jorge M. Pacheco, Ana Paiva, Francisco C. Santos
Journal PLoS One
Volume 12
Number 4
Pages e0175687
Month April
Pdf File
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@article { santos17, abstract = {From work contracts and group buying platforms to political coalitions and international climate and economical summits, often individuals assemble in groups that must collectively reach decisions that may favor each part unequally. Here we quantify to which extent our network ties promote the evolution of collective fairness in group interactions, modeled by means of Multiplayer Ultimatum Games (MUG). We show that a single topological feature of social networks—which we call structural power—has a profound impact on the tendency of individuals to take decisions that favor each part equally. Increased fair outcomes are attained whenever structural power is high, such that the networks that tie individuals allow them to meet the same partners in different groups, thus providing the opportunity to strongly influence each other. On the other hand, the absence of such close peer-influence relationships dismisses any positive effect created by the network. Interestingly, we show that increasing the structural power of a network leads to the appearance of well-defined modules—as found in human social networks that often exhibit community structure— providing an interaction environment that maximizes collective fairness.}, journal = {PLoS One}, keywords = {Game Theory;Multi-Agent Societies;Miscellaneous;}, month = {April}, number = {4}, pages = { e0175687}, title = {Structural power and the evolution of collective fairness in social networks}, volume = {12}, year = {2017}, author = {Fernando P. Santos and Jorge M. Pacheco and Ana Paiva and Francisco C. Santos} }

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