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Planning culturally-appropriate conversations using adjacency pairs

Year 2013
Keywords Intelligent Virtual Agents;Multi-Agent Societies;Intelligent Interactive Narrative;
Authors Samuel Mascarenhas, Rui Prada, Ana Paiva
Institution GAIPS - INESC-ID
Type GAIPS tech. rep. series
Number GAIPS-TR-002-13
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@techreport { mascarenhas13, institution = {GAIPS - INESC-ID}, keywords = {Intelligent Virtual Agents;Multi-Agent Societies;Intelligent Interactive Narrative;}, number = {GAIPS-TR-002-13}, title = {Planning culturally-appropriate conversations using adjacency pairs}, type = {GAIPS tech. rep. series}, year = {2013}, author = {Samuel Mascarenhas and Rui Prada and Ana Paiva} }

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