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Can I ask you a favour? A Relational Model of Socio-Cultural Behaviour (Extended Abstract)

Year 2013
Keywords Intelligent Virtual Agents;Multi-Agent Societies;
Authors Samuel Mascarenhas, Rui Prada, Ana Paiva, Nick Degens, Gert Jan Hofstede
Journal Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS). IFAAMAS/ACM DL
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@article { mascarenhas13, journal = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS). IFAAMAS/ACM DL}, keywords = {Intelligent Virtual Agents;Multi-Agent Societies;}, title = {Can I ask you a favour? A Relational Model of Socio-Cultural Behaviour (Extended Abstract)}, year = {2013}, author = {Samuel Mascarenhas and Rui Prada and Ana Paiva and Nick Degens and Gert Jan Hofstede} }

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