2016 Competition

The 2016 Geometry Friends Game AI Competition is confirmed!

This year the competition will be held at CIG’2016 and, as in the previous years, there will be three separate tracks:

  • Cooperation Track – the characters are played by your AI agents to solve puzzles which require cooperation between the two;
  • Circle Track – only the circle character AI agent plays to solve puzzles specific for the circle;
  • Rectangle Track – only the rectangle character AI agent plays to solve puzzles specific for the rectangle.

Based on 2015’s experience and by taking to heart previous participants’ feedback, the framework, competition pack and documentation have been significantly improved. For the updated competition description see here and the updated framework here. Some of the highlights of the changes made are:

  • Geometry Friends game is now cross platform. You can play it or develop agents for it in Windows / Linux or MacOSX. (see Step by Step Installation Guide)
  • A physics prediction simulator is now available for the competition participants to make accurate predictions regarding the agents. For example, an agent can now predict if a given jump action will be successful to reach a given platform. (see Agent with Prediction & Visual Debug)
  • A visual debugging functionality has been added to facilitate real time visual debugging of the agent. For example, assuming an agent that maintains a planned path in the level it is possible to visually depict (based on simple primitives such as lines, circles, text) that path to check if it was done correctly. (see Agent with Prediction & Visual Debug)
  • New and improved support through a Knowledge Base (replaces the old wiki), a Forum to support community discussions and the possibility to directly get in touch with us.


If you are interested in the competition please let us know (gfcompetition@gaips.inesc-id.pt) and feel free to take a look and use previous years’ competitions results and levels to get better insight into how to develop your agents. (see also Extra Levels Pack and Agent Implementations Pack in Downloads)

Stay tuned for updates. Submissions will open soon but you can already start developing your agents now!


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