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Authoring Emotion

Abstract In this chapter, we will discuss the development of a plug-in for two authoring tools: Inscape and Teatrix. The plug-in aims at helping authors to easily create virtual interactive stories that explore the emotional dimension of characters and scenes in order to contribute to higher coherence of stories and simultaneously emphasize their communication purposes. The focus discussed here is on the cognitive architecture for autonomous agents that play the characters. This architecture uses two main drives to decision making: (1) it makes use of emotions, based in Frijda’s “emotion theory” (1986); (2) as well as a model of characters' roles proposed by Propp (1968). Characters' behaviour is, therefore, induced simultaneously by the intentions of the author, that specifies characters' roles and the emotions each scene should convey, and by the characters' own emotional experience while interacting with other characters in the story
Year 2008
Keywords authoring tools, emotion, storytelling, autonomous characters
Authors Nelson Zagalo, Rui Prada, Isabel Machado Alexandre, Ana Torres
Publisher InTech Education and Publishing
Chapter Affective Computing: Focus on Emotion Expression, Synthesis and Recognition
Month May
Address Vienna, Austria
Edition Jimmy Or
Pages 391-404
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@inbook { zagalo08, abstract = {In this chapter, we will discuss the development of a plug-in for two authoring tools: Inscape and Teatrix. The plug-in aims at helping authors to easily create virtual interactive stories that explore the emotional dimension of characters and scenes in order to contribute to higher coherence of stories and simultaneously emphasize their communication purposes. The focus discussed here is on the cognitive architecture for autonomous agents that play the characters. This architecture uses two main drives to decision making: (1) it makes use of emotions, based in Frijda’s “emotion theory” (1986); (2) as well as a model of characters' roles proposed by Propp (1968). Characters' behaviour is, therefore, induced simultaneously by the intentions of the author, that specifies characters' roles and the emotions each scene should convey, and by the characters' own emotional experience while interacting with other characters in the story}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, chapter = {Affective Computing: Focus on Emotion Expression, Synthesis and Recognition}, edition = {Jimmy Or}, keywords = {authoring tools, emotion, storytelling, autonomous characters}, month = {May}, pages = {391-404}, publisher = {InTech Education and Publishing}, title = {Authoring Emotion}, year = {2008}, author = {Nelson Zagalo and Rui Prada and Isabel Machado Alexandre and Ana Torres} }

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