Francisco C. Santos


I am Full Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon (Portugal). I completed a PhD in computer science at the Université Libre de Bruxelles.

I am the coordinator, with Ana Paiva, Francisco Melo and Carlos Martinho, of the Group on Artificial Intelligence for People and Society (GAIPS) part of INESC-ID. I also coordinate, with Jorge M. Pacheco, the interdisciplinary group ATP, and, with Mário Figueiredo and Rosário Oliveira, the new MSc in Data Science and Engineering of IST, U. Lisbon.

I am interested in applying and developing computational tools to understand collective dynamics in social and life sciences. I have been working on problems related to the evolution of cooperation, human social norms, network science, and environmental governance, among others. I published a hundred and a half scientific articles on these topics.

I was awarded the 2017 Young Scientist Award for Socio-Econophysics of the German Physical Society, the 2016 CGD / University of Lisbon prize in Computer Science, and several “IST excellence in teaching” awards. I was elected member of the Youth Section of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences (2017-2020).

Currently, I am associate editor of Adaptive Behaviour (SAGE), Entropy (MDPI), Mathematics (MDPI), Minds and Machines (Springer), Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Nature), PLoS ONE, and Scientific Reports (Nature), and regularly serve as guest editor for PLoS Computational Biology.

Publications: Google Scholar