Rui Prada


Rui Prada is a Professor with Habilitation at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa, invited professor at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) – Tokyo, and Researcher at INESC-ID in the AI for People and Society research group. He received a PhD in Computer Science in the domain of Artificial Intelligence at IST in 2005. He was co-responsible for the creation of courses on Game Design and Development at IST. He conducts research on social intelligent agents , human-agent interaction, computer games, applied gaming, and game AI. He, with his team, has developed socio-emotional models of behaviour for autonomous agents applied to games and human-robot interaction. He is one of the founding members of the Portuguese Society of Videogame Sciences (SPCVideojogos) and co-author of the book “Design e Desenvolvimento de Jogos”.

Publications: Google Scholar

Qualifications : PhD, Habilitation
Area of Expertise : Socially Interactive Agents, Human-Agent Interaction, Game Design and Development, Applied (Serious) Games, Game AI
  • 2N7.19