Ongoing Projects
All Sustainable

All Sustainable

ALL SUSTAINABLE is a project created with the aim of empowering People with Intellectual Disabilities (PID) to be sustainable citizens and contribute as active agents to sustainable development.



Its main objective is to empower teachers to better support children in schools regarding their emotional and behavioural difficulties and ultimately improve their quality of life.

The program will involve a range of activities, including training sessions for teachers, research and development of new resources, and ongoing support and collaboration among partners to ensure the success of the project.



Design and Evaluation of Technological Support Tool to EMPOWER stakeholders in Digital Education. EMPOWER project addreses the educational needs of children with neurodevelopmental conditions

Humane AI Net

Humane AI Net

One of the 4 flagship Research Consortiums in the EU to facilitate a brand of trustworthy, ethical AI that enhances Human capabilities and empowers citizens and society to effectively deal with the challenges of an interconnected globalized world.



This work explores model-based RL with low-dimensional representations to improve adaptability to dynamic changes in the environment. Additionally, it investigates meta-learning approaches to enhance data efficiency in learning these representations. The project aims to apply these advancements in human-centered domains such as robot control and human-robot interaction



TAILOR is an EU project with the aim build the capacity to provide the scientific foundations for Trustworthy AI in Europe. TAILOR develops a network of research excellence centres, leveraging and combining learning, optimisation, and reasoning (LOR) with the key concepts of Trustworthy AI (TAI). These systems are meant to provide descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive systems integrating data-driven and knowledge-based approaches.



Te@ch4SocialGood: promoting prosociality in schools to prevent cyberbullying

Finished Projects
Ad Hoc Teams With Humans And Robots

Ad Hoc Teams With Humans And Robots

This project explores cutting-edge research on ad hoc teamwork, symbiotic interactions and natural language processing in human-robot interaction. The project aims to go beyond the typical “master-slave” and “one-robot-one-human” type of interaction, hence making key contributions to the current state-of-the-art in terms of human-robot interaction. Grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (U.S.A.); Award Number: FA9550-19-1-0020.



The AMIGOS (Affect Modeling for robots In GrOup Social interactions) project investigates the role of emotions and adaptation in interactions between a robot and a group of users, contrasting to the typical one-robot one­ user paradigm in Human­Robot Interaction (HRI).



ANIMATAS (MSCA – ITN – 2017 – 765955 2) is a H2020 Marie Sklodowska Curie European Training Network funded by Horizon 2020. The project focuses on social robotics and virtual agents.

Co-evolution and self-organization of cooperation

Co-evolution and self-organization of cooperation

The main focus of our contribution can be concisely described in terms of problems of collective cooperative action, conflict resolution and self-organized behavior (funding agency: FCT-Portugal)



The Co-Writer Project is a collaboration between IST/INESC-ID and EPFL and aims to explore how a robot can help with the acquisition of writing. This method targets especially children to learn and improve their writing skills. This way, this research explores a new way to support writing through human-robot interaction.

COLDEx: Collaborative Learning and Distributed Experimentation

COLDEx: Collaborative Learning and Distributed Experimentation

CoLDEx aimed at developing and using new IT approaches and computational tools to foster scientific experimentation, modelling and simulation in distributed collaborative settings in an inter-cultural (European-Latin American) community of learners.

Die Offene Tür

Die Offene Tür

D.O.T. is a four-year research program about strengthening connections between young people. In D.O.T. we’re seeking to understand what affects social connectedness, and how to use serious games and digital experiences to best help at-risk young people get the support they need from their peers.



The e-Coop project is funded by FCT-Portugal and aims at funding young researchers (typical MSc students) in the developing of large-scale computational tools towards the understanding of situations in which individual goals and norms collide with collective endeavors.



eCIRCUS will develop a new approach in the use of ICT to support social and emotional learning within Personal and Social Education (PSE). This will be achieved through virtual role-play with synthetic characters that establish credible and empathic relations with the learners.



In the Europe of the 21st century, many cultural, ethnic and religious groups must live and work together. It is clear that this is not always a smooth process and that cultural differences can lead to social stresses and sometimes outright conflict. Education in cultural sensitivity and understanding has a very significant role as a component of Personal, Social and Emotional Education. eCUTE will develop innovative technologically-enhanced learning approaches in cultural understanding and sens



The EMOTE project will design, develop and evaluate a new generation of artificial embodied tutors that have perceptive capabilities to engage in empathic interactions with learners in a shared physical space.



FearNot! is a computer application first developed for the VICTEC European project, and further developed for the eCircus European project. The main aim of the FearNot! is to tackle and eventually help reduce bullying problems in schools.



GALA is a European funded (FP7-258169) network of excellence in the area of serious games, which aims to shape the scientific community in this area.

HEIDI (HEIGH Dimensional Indexing) or how to index one billion of vectors Webpage icon

HEIDI (HEIGH Dimensional Indexing) or how to index one billion of vectors Webpage icon

Overcoming the Curse of dimensionality using a subspace tree approach

HOTSPOT – Human-robOt TeamS without PrecoOrdinaTion

HOTSPOT – Human-robOt TeamS without PrecoOrdinaTion

Ad hoc teamwork with human teammates is one of the most promising topics within the multiagent research community; however, it largely remains unexplored. We envisage an exciting research work that explores the challenges posed by the collaborative interaction between robots and humans to build novel decision-making algorithms, which is HOTSPOT's fundamental goal. HOTSPOT is an FCT project with reference PTDC/CCI-COM/7203/2020.

Humaine – HUman-MAchine Interaction Network on Emotion

Humaine – HUman-MAchine Interaction Network on Emotion

HUMAINE (Human-Machine Interaction Network on Emotion) was a Network of Excellence in the EU's Sixth Framework Programme, in the IST (Information Society Technologies) Thematic Priority IST-2002- Multimodal Interfaces established to foster research on of systems that can register, model and/or influence human emotional and emotion-related states and processes.



HYBRIDA is a dedicated to the design and simulation of complex hybrid systems comprising humans and machines (funded by FCT-Portugal).



Imagine a dark room full of children where suddenly a new world gains form with a struck of light. Imagine that this new world is filled with coloured intelligent and interactive shadows, in which you can participate with your own shadow. Other intelligent shadows participate and help children to build the virtual and real world of Interactive Shadows.The main goal of this project is to create a learning environment where childre will be able to build logical narratives on-the-fly



The main objective ID-GAMING is to increase the competences of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and related Professionals and Relatives in the implementation of ICT Serious Games for improving cognitive functions, and therefore, their QoL.

iLU – Integrative Learning from Urban Data and Situational Context for City Mobility Optimization

iLU – Integrative Learning from Urban Data and Situational Context for City Mobility Optimization

iLU is an FCT project that unites INESC-ID, LNEC and CML to reveal valuable knowledge hidden in urban data collected at Lisbon, guiding our city to become a reference in sustainable mobility.



Improving engagement of students in software engineering courses is the goal of this new European Erasmus+ project. The researching team will tackle the problem by introducing gaming elements into software engineering training materials. A series of gamified reusable, and freely accessible multiplayer quizzes will be developed. These quizzes will be used live by the students in the classroom. Additionally, two interactive educational games will be developed.



The INSIDE initiative explores symbiotic interactions between humans and robots in joint cooperative activities. INSIDE strives to develop new hardware and software solutions that will support a real-world interaction with children with ASD in a joint cooperative task with therapeutical purposes.



The goal of INVITE ( social Identity and partNership in VIrTual Environments ) is to enhance the behaviour of autonomous characters with social identity awareness to play situations with different social groups. Concretely, we will explore the role of social identity in collaboration partnerships and social dilemmas in mixed motive tasks (e.g snow-drift games).



Iv4XR is a European project (grant number: 856716) coordinated by INESC-ID. The project brings together experts from 8 different countries, to research and develop novel verification and validation methodologies and tools using Artificial Intelligence (AI). The goal is to improve extended reality (XR) systems testing in terms of functionality and user experience. The project will deploy a framework that will automate some testing procedures, reducing the current burden of user testing in XR.



Kaleidoscope was a EU-funded network of excellence (FP6-507838) which brought together European teams in technology-enhanced learning. Its goal was to integrate 76 research units from around Europe, covering a large range of expertise from technology to education developing new concepts and methods for exploring the future of learning with digital technologies.



Use Machine Learning techniques to improve citizen experience when searching laws in DRE (Diario da Republica Electronico). Project in collaboration with INCM - Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda



LAW-TRAIN is an European Commission funded project aimed at fighting international drug-trafficking by developing a virtual interrogation training system. The training system is developed in a collaborative action by universities, national governments and professional enterprises.



LIREC is a European funded (FP7) research project exploring how we live with digital and interactive companions. The LIREC project aims to create a new generation of interactive, emotionally intelligent companions that is capable of long-term relationships with humans.

Machinima Storyteller

Machinima Storyteller

This ia a project funded by beActive to provide an integrated authoring environment for the generation of movies from a story script. The system allows iterative development of the product to avoid delays that occur at present while the separate components complete their development cycle. The toolset takes inspiration from Machinima and uses the Unity game engine to support the rendering and animation of the characters and scenes.



MAIS-S, Multiagent Intelligent Surveillance System, is a research project in the CMU|Portugal program and addresses the problem of planning in decentralized multiagent systems in the context of intelligent surveillance networks.

Mobile Math Trails in Europe

Mobile Math Trails in Europe

This project aims to create a smartphone app and support website that allows the creation and management by teachers of outdoor mathematical adventures, to be experienced by middle and high school students.



PArCEIRO will develop and create social robots that will interact with humans in entertaining activities, such as tabletop card games. This projects aims to promote social interaction where the same physical space between humans and robots is shared, enhancing new ways of interacting with technology.

Realising an Applied Gaming Eco-system

Realising an Applied Gaming Eco-system

The EU based industry for non-leisure games (applied games) is an emerging business. As such, it's still fragmented and needs critical mass to compete globally. Its growth potential is widely recognised and even suggested to exceed the growth potential of the leisure games market. RAGE will help to seize these opportunities and advance industrial leadership and innovation by delivering an ecosystem populated with assets to support the development of applied games.



Supporting Affective Interactions for Real-time Applications (SAFIRA) is a project funded by the European Commission under the Information Society Technologies Programme (IST). The project objective is to bring to the software community an enabling technology to support affective interactions.



The SEMIRA (Simulating the Emergent Impact of Regulations across Cultures) project aims to study the interaction between emerging normative behaviour and new regulations in different cultures and different countries via a multi-agent simulation approach.



SIREN is a EU funded exploring a new type of educational game, the conflict resolution game, which takes advantage of recent advances in serious games, social networks, computational intelligence and emotional modelling to create uniquely motivating and educating games that can help shape how children think about and handle conflict.



SLICE studies the creation of a framework for social characters combining theoretical knowledge with data-driven approaches to automatize the learning of complex social behaviours. We envision the creation of an author modifiable, transparent and expressive tool to author social intelligent characters across multiple domains.



SToCA is a FCT-Portugal project that aim develop novel mathematical frameworks for the study of Stochastic Dynamics of Collective Action and its evolution.



Teatrix is a software application created to support the development of literacy skills in young children, namely writing and narrative skills. Teatrix is a 3D virtual environment for story creation that allows children to cooperate in the creation of their stories, each one taking the role a character, just like in real world performances.

The Robot-Creativity Project

The Robot-Creativity Project

The Robot-Creativity Project seeks to create robots capable of interacting with people with the ultimate goal of boosting their creativity